CT (Computed Tomography)

CT(Computed Tomography) is the system that shows the cross-sectional images of the object. In general, it divided to the hardware component that obtains images from the samples and the software components that create images.

At first, a CT hardware scans the object and captures images of outernal and internal stractures of the oject by irradiation with radiation (X-rays, others). Then, a CT reconstruction software reconstructs the collected scan images and produces the 3D cross-sectional images of the object.

In the previous time, CT generated only one-way sectional tomographic images as a result image (called surface rendering), and there were issues of difficulty to see the tiny parts or section of the objects. However in recent years, CT generates 3DCG as a result image that is capable to see the wider details of parts or section of the objects.

In general, CT refer to X-ray CT. However in the broad sense, it also refer to PET(Positoron Emission Tomography), SPECT(Single Photon Emission), Synchrotron and others.

CT has invented and developed from radiographs. In the case of radiography, it produce images toward the object, X-ray that pass thorough the object in one angle and captured by a digital detector/photographic film. However in the case of CT, X-ray that pass through the object multiple angles (different angles) or multiple directions and captured by a digital detector, and collect the images of cross-sectional images of the object, then the 3D slice images as the result images are produced from collected raw data(cross-sectional images) by reconstruction work of CT reconstruction software.

The typical types of CT are CBCT(Cone-beam CT), Helical CT and Straight-line-trajectory-translation CT. CBCT(Cone-beam CT) is a method of CT scan while 360 °in a circumferential orbit, Helical CT is a method of CT scan with spiral rotation, and Straight-line-trajectory-translation CT is a method of CT scan with linearly parallel horizontal movement. In recent years, new types of CT scan methods has invented such as Multi-slice CT and Oblique CT.

Our CT reconstruction software: TomoShop® series corresponds to cone beam CT, helical CT, Straight-line-trajectory-translation CT (inline type used in factory etc. etc).